上海三芗尔工程管理咨询有限公司成立于2006年,现有人员约90人,是国内为数不多的全民持股的公司。 公司从管理层到执行层人员均曾就职于同类国际及国内知名的造价咨询顾问公司,如原威宁谢(现凯谛思)、务腾、上海一测等,并具备丰富的各类工程项目管理、招投标管理、成本管理、合约管理的经验。 公司以外资工程及国内高端项目为主要服务对象,为其提供有针对性的定制化服务,特别擅长提供外资模式(港式)的全过程造价咨询服务,包括FIDIC、JCT合同文本的应用。
The Company was established in 2006 with approximately 90 staff members who all share holdings, which is rare in China. Employed once in such well-known cost consultancy companies as former Davis Langdon & Seah Construction Consultants Co., Ltd. (Now, Arcadis Consultancy Co., Ltd.), WT Partnership and Shanghai First Surveying, Ltd., all of the persons in the Company, from the management to executive professionals, have rich experience in project management, tendering management, cost management and contract management in all kinds of building works. The Company deliveries service mainly to foreign investment works and local high-end projects with targeted custom-tailor service, especially the provision of the whole process cost consultation service in the mode of foreign capital (or Hong Kong mode) including the application of FIDIC and JCT contract documents. |
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